TMJ Disorders and Treatment: Find Relief at Decoteau Orthodontics

Do you suffer from frequent jaw pain, headaches, or clicking sounds when you chew? These could be signs of TMJ (Temporomandibular Joint) disorder, a common condition that affects the jaw joints and muscles. At Decoteau Orthodontics, we offer effective solutions to help you find relief from TMJ discomfort and restore normal function to your jaw.

What Causes TMJ Disorder?

TMJ disorders can be caused by various factors, including:

  • Jaw misalignment
  • Teeth grinding or clenching (bruxism)
  • Arthritis in the jaw joints
  • Stress and muscle tension

Without treatment, TMJ disorders can worsen, leading to chronic pain and difficulty in chewing or speaking. But with the right care, you can manage and alleviate these symptoms.

How We Can Help

At Decoteau Orthodontics, our TMJ treatments are designed to address the root cause of your discomfort. Our approach includes:

  • Orthodontic solutions: Correcting misalignment can relieve pressure on your jaw joints.
  • Mouthguards or splints: These devices help prevent teeth grinding and provide relief for your TMJ.
  • Therapeutic exercises: We guide you through exercises that strengthen the jaw muscles and reduce tension.

Learn more about TMJ and how we can help on our TMJ page.

If you’re tired of living with jaw pain, it’s time to seek help. Contact us today to schedule an evaluation at our Groton or Nashua office!