iTero Element
iTero Element
Most smiles are started by another smile.
We are excited to be using the iTero™ Element™ Intraoral Scanner, a radiation-free laser, when we obtain your dental records at Decoteau Orthodontics! This allows us to create a 3D image of your teeth and bite without the need for messy impressions. It also allows us to make dental appliances from your 3D image. Not only does this technology speed up the records process, but it also ensures a more accurate impression upon which we’re planning your treatment. Say good-bye to the goop-filled impression trays and let us make a state-of-the-art impression for you!
How It Works
When scanning commences, Drs. Jay and Carolyn Decoteau will show you the images as they are taken on the monitor. Once your entire mouth has been scanned and recorded by iTero, a process that only takes five to eight minutes, we then create a 3-dimensional image of your mouth. This will be sent off to our dental laboratory to have your restorations or Invisalign retainers fabricated. In the meanwhile, if you are undergoing Invisalign treatment, your dentist will be able to show you the simulated outcomes!